Travel Awards
The Northeast Regional Laboratory Staff & Core Directors (NERLSCD) will again sponsor Travel Awards for the 2020 Annual meeting. The goal of this award program is to provide core personnel with funds to attend the annual meeting. Each award consists of a free registration and reimbursement for up to $200 in lodging or travel expenses. Most meals are provided during the meeting.
Eligibility requirements: Applicants must be currently employed in a core facility or officially associated with core facilities (e.g., as a core facility center administrator) at an academic or non-profit institution that is located in the focus region of the NERLSCD ABR or MAD SSCi Chapters (i.e., the Northeast region of the USA, including the states of ME, MA, NH, CT, RI, VT, NY, NJ, PA, and DE and neighboring Canadian provinces, and Mid-Atlantic region including VA, NC, SC). Preference will be given to applicants who will be new chapter meeting attendees, especially those from an institution that has not had a prior presence at a NERLSCD meeting and to applicants who will be poster presenters at the 2020 meeting.
Qualifying expenses: Each travel award includes a free registration and up to $200 which can be used to defray travel and hotel costs associated with attending the NERLSCD 2020 meeting.
Deadline for application submission: Friday, September 4, 2020. Award notification date: Awards will be announced and successful applicants will be notified by Friday, October 2, 2020.
Any interested individual should submit an application form: [Application in development]. Encourage someone who has never attended to apply! For more information, please contact Luellen Fletcher, Organizing Committee Member, at